Latest Episodes

Episode 85: Mack Stirling on René Girard’s mimetic theory
Mack Stirling on René Girard’s mimetic theory

Episode 84: René Girard's Mimetic Theory
Christopher and Riley are always searching out new theories and hermeneutics through which to interpret ideas, scripture, literature, or human experience. Recently, they embarked...

Episode 83: How it's Going
We recorded this follow up episode a few weeks after recording Episode #82, Where to Begin, as a follow up to report on our...

Episode 82: Where to Begin
In this shorter episode Christopher and Riley discuss the most frequent question we receive from those new to contemplative practice - Where do I...

Episode 81: The Hero's Journey
In this episode Christopher and Riley discuss Joseph Campbell’s well-known model of mythology, The Hero’s Journey, and how it can be used as a...

Episode 80: Contemplative Consumption
“For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of...