Episode 49: The Need for a Church

November 04, 2021 01:04:27
Episode 49: The Need for a Church
Latter-day Contemplation
Episode 49: The Need for a Church

Nov 04 2021 | 01:04:27


Hosted By

Riley Risto

Show Notes

In this episode, Christopher and Riley talk about the need for a church. First, they refer to the Greek word in the Bible translated “church” and bring out its two simultaneously operative meanings. Next, they explore in-depth the need for a church based on those two meanings. Finally, they explore a threefold path one tends to take as a member of the body of Christ we call the church leading from dependence through participation to either disillusionment or leadership. But the leadership they discuss is not the top-down leadership one thinks of when thinking of the church as an institution, but the bottom-up, or grassroots, leadership in which one can participate if one sees oneself correctly as a member of the body of Christ called the church, with each member serving its particular function separate and distinct from all others, and at the same time in concert with them.

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