Episode 40: Contemplating Resurrection

September 03, 2021 01:05:21
Episode 40: Contemplating Resurrection
Latter-day Contemplation
Episode 40: Contemplating Resurrection

Sep 03 2021 | 01:05:21


Hosted By

Riley Risto

Show Notes

In this episode, Riley and Christopher take on the topic of resurrection. Is resurrection something that happens after we do, or do we need to be resurrected before we die? What would it look like to be resurrected before we die and what does a resurrected life in Christ look like? Christopher and Riley answer these questions and related questions about spiritual death and life with New Testament and extracanonical scriptures from the Gnostics, touching on the ordinances of baptism and the Sacrament and offer suggestions for living a resurrected life in Christ in the present.

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