Latter-day prophet David O. McKay described meditation as the “most secret, most sacred door through which we pass into the presence of the Lord” yet few Latter-day Saints have a regular meditation practice. In General Conference addresses, meditation usually receives, at best, passing mention as a synonym of prayer or pondering. We’d like to see that change. In this episode Christopher and Riley describe their respective meditation practices, give some advice on establishing a practice of your own, and detail some of the benefits they have each derived from regular meditation in hopes that more Latter-day Saints might incorporate this sacred practice into their worship.
In this episode, Christopher and Riley welcome back Jana Spangler to discuss stages of faith development as touched on in Episode 20: Navigating a...
Following US Independence Day with all of its pomp and circumstance, Christopher and Riley raise the question of whether America is a Christian nation....
In this episode, Christopher and Riley trace the roots of the Logos of God, translated “Word” in John 1:1 in the New Testament, through...