Episode 36: Meditation

July 30, 2021 00:57:03
Episode 36: Meditation
Latter-day Contemplation
Episode 36: Meditation

Jul 30 2021 | 00:57:03


Hosted By

Riley Risto

Show Notes

Latter-day prophet David O. McKay described meditation as the “most secret, most sacred door through which we pass into the presence of the Lord” yet few Latter-day Saints have a regular meditation practice. In General Conference addresses, meditation usually receives, at best, passing mention as a synonym of prayer or pondering. We’d like to see that change. In this episode Christopher and Riley describe their respective meditation practices, give some advice on establishing a practice of your own, and detail some of the benefits they have each derived from regular meditation in hopes that more Latter-day Saints might incorporate this sacred practice into their worship.

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